“Thank You, Miyuki” by Roxane Marie Galliez and Seng Soun Ratanavanh


Miyuki is eager to “meditate.” But when does it begin? How does it begin? What do you do? In “Thank You, Miyuki” her grandfather helps her delve into her curiosity for the unknown. Somehow a year had flown by since my last post, which was also about a young Japanese girl and her grandfather. Finding this book and wanting to share about it feels like I’m picking up exactly where I left off. 

With stunning illustrations by Seng Soun Ratanavanh, author Roxane Marie Galliez delicately introduces the idea that when we meditate, we notice our surroundings more. In the story, Grandpa also insists Miyuki to appreciate things like clouds as they are, not what they look like or in relation to something else. The drawings show the characters smaller than flowers, insects, and fishes, which hint at the strong connections we make to the world around us when we begin to use our senses to see, smell, touch, hear, and taste. Without overly addressing a concrete definition of meditation, the author and the illustrator allude that meditation can be done anywhere at any time.

Meditation is often introduced as something to be done indoors, seated, with eyes closed. Yet this book opens our minds to be curious that meditation can be done outdoors, while walking, with eyes open. In a very structured world we live in now, meditation is usually offered as a class, which has a beginning and an end. However, Miyuki learns to her surprise that she had been meditating all along her day, not putting any significance on when, where, or how it began and ended. I highly recommend this to children and adults looking to know more about meditation and mindfulness.

If you want to introduce this book at home or in a classroom setting, here are some questions you can ask depending on the child’s age.

For Pre-K to 3rd graders:

  1. Grandpa encourages Miyuki to use her senses to meditate. What are the five senses?
  2. Choose an object and explore it using the five senses.
  3. If you could choose a place to meditate, where would it be?

And for older kids, 4th grade and up:

  1. Grandpa and Miyuki’s meditation was an active one involving interaction with nature. What would your meditation look like?
  2. At the end of the story, Miyuki expresses that “it feels good to be here right now.” What do you think that means?

Some tips for introducing meditation and mindfulness to youth:

Kids, especially at a younger age, will not stay still and the idea of meditation will be very short. Walking meditation may help. In walking meditation, one would take slow steps on a mat or around the room, noticing the sensations of their feet and the ground beneath them. As for older students, body scans might help notice their emotional stresses or growth pains. For all students, always give them heads up if you’re going to dim the lights in your classroom, close the curtain, or play any music. Also let them know if you (the grownup) will be walking around during the meditation and why, as to not startle them. Always give the option to keep eyes open during meditation as not everyone feels safe closing their eyes. Give plenty of options for how they want to get settled: perhaps on the floor, a chair, a cushion, laying down, legs up the chair, legs up the wall, or standing. Keep an open mind as to what feels “meditative” to each student. 






  1. おじいちゃんはミユキに五感を使って瞑想を教えます。五感とは何でしょう?
  2. あなたの周りにある何か一つのものを選んでください。そして五感を使ってそのものをよく知ってみましょう。何か新しい発見はありましたか?
  3. 瞑想をする場所を選べたら、どこでしたいですか?



お話の最後に、ミユキは “It feels good to be here right now.” (いま、ここにいることが幸せ)とおじいちゃんに伝えます。それはどんな意味だと思いますか?



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