“Natsumi!” by Susan Lendroth and Priscilla Burris

"Natsumi!" is a story of a young Japanese girl discovering her authenticity, and realizing who and what helps her feel like her true self.

“Douzo No Isu” by Yoshiko Kayama and Kouzou Kakimoto

Many describe the Japanese personality as "so nice and polite." I'm Japanese and I say that's pretty true. "Douzo No Isu" is sure to give you an introduction on our unique cultural personality.

“Gatan-Goton Gatan-Goton” by Mizumaru Anzai

"Gaton-Goton Gatan-Goton" is a rhythmical book based on a Japanese onomatopoeia "Gatan-goton" which mimics the sound of a moving train. It is a baby book that is simple yet bright, and brings attention to the common objects that surround a baby.

”Bilal Cooks Daal” by Aisha Saeed and Anoosha Syed

"Bilal Cooks Daal" is an empowering story of a Pakistani boy who finds friendship and cultural pride through sharing his love of Pakistani food.

“Kuishinbousagi” by Keiko Sena

"Kuishinbousagi" is a whimsical story about a bunny who eats a little too much... and travels to the opposite side of the world.